Items where Author is "Prijanto, Teguh Budi"

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Number of items: 24.


Sri Mulyati, Sri Mulyati and Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Fikri, Elanda (2022) Check Similarity : Penambahan Variasi Kompos Dapur Terhadap Germination Indeks Tanah. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia, 21 (1). pp. 99-105. ISSN 1412-4939

Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Nurhayati, Ati and Aripin, Salma (2022) Check Similarity : The effectiveness of plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene. Global NEST Journal, 24 (2). pp. 286-290. ISSN 1790-7632

Sri Mulyati, Sri Mulyati and Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Fikri, Elanda (2022) Peer Review : Penambahan Variasi Kompos Dapur Terhadap Germination Indeks Tanah. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia, 21 (1). pp. 99-105. ISSN 1412-4939

Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Nurhayati, Ati and Aripin, Salma (2022) Peer Review : The effectiveness of plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene. Global NEST Journal, 24 (2). pp. 286-290. ISSN 1790-7632

Sri Mulyati, Sri Mulyati and Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Fikri, Elanda (2022) Penambahan Variasi Kompos Dapur Terhadap Germination Indeks Tanah. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia, 21 (1). pp. 99-105. ISSN 1412-4939

Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Nurhayati, Ati and Aripin, Salma (2022) The effectiveness of plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene. Global NEST Journal, 24 (2). pp. 286-290. ISSN 1790-7632

Fikri, Elanda and Kurniati, Iis and Wartiniyati, Wartiniyati and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Pujiono, Pujiono and Syarief, Osman and Sharaf Eldin Khair, Amar (2021) Check Similarity : The Phenomenon of Medical Waste Recycling in Indonesia: Check Similarity : Contact Time and Chlorine Dose as a Disinfectant with The Bio-Indicator Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Journal of Ecological Engineering (JEE), 22 (4). pp. 47-58. ISSN 2299-8993

Fikri, Elanda and Kurniati, Iis and Wartiniyati, Wartiniyati and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Pujiono, Pujiono and Syarief, Osman and Sharaf Eldin Khair, Amar (2021) Check Similarity : The Phenomenon of Medical Waste Recycling in Indonesia: Contact Time and Chlorine Dose as a Disinfectant with the Bio-Indicator Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus stearothermophilus. jJournal of Ecological Engineering, 2 (4). pp. 47-58. ISSN 2299-8993

Fikri, Elanda and Kurniati, Iis and Wartiniyati, Wartiniyati and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Pujiono, Pujiono and Syarief, Osman and Sharaf Eldin Khair, Amar (2021) Korespondensi : The Phenomenon of Medical Waste Recycling in Indonesia: Contact Time and Chlorine Dose as a Disinfectant with The Bio-Indicator Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Journal of Ecological Engineering (JEE), 22 (4). pp. 47-58. ISSN 2299-8993

Fikri, Elanda and Kurniati, Iis and Wartiniyati, Wartiniyati and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Pujiono, Pujiono and Syarief, Osman and Sharaf Eldin Khair, Amar (2021) Peer Review : The Phenomenon of Medical Waste Recycling in Indonesia: Contact Time and Chlorine Dose as a Disinfectant with the Bio-Indicator Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2 (4). pp. 47-58. ISSN 2299-8993

Fikri, Elanda and Nur Shabrina Putri, Arifah and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Syarief, Osman (2020) Check Similarity : Study of Liquid Waste Quality and Potential Pollution Load of Motor Vehicle Wash Business in Bekasi City (Indonesia). Journal of Ecological Engineering (JEE), 21 (3). pp. 128-134. ISSN 2299-8993

Kartika, Kartika and Yety Hanurawaty, Neneng and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Djuhriah, Nany (2019) Check Similarity : PERBEDAAN WAKTU TINGGAL TANAMAN CATTAIL (Typha angustifolia) TERHADAP PENURUNAN KADAR COD AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIK KANTIN. Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Poltekkes Depkes Bandung, 11 (1). pp. 196-201. ISSN 1979-8253


Satria, Muhammad and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Nurhayati, Ati and Pujiono, Pujiono (2024) Tinjauan Kualitas Air Bersih Dari Hasil Pengolahan PT Pertamina Salamdarma Kabupaten Subang Tahun 2024. Diploma thesis, POLTEKKES KEMENKES BANDUNG.

Fauziyah, Neng Dian Fitriani and Hasan, Nia Yuniarti and Lubis, Bambang Purnama and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Ati, Nurhayati (2021) PERBEDAAN JUMLAH TRAY AERATOR TERHADAP PENURUNAN KANDUNGAN COD (CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND) PADA LIMBAH CAIR PT PAPYRUS SAKTI PAPER MILL. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung.

Yusup, Tasya Salsabillah and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Hasan, Nia Yuniarti and FIKRI, ELANDA and Lubis, Bambang Purnama (2021) PERBEDAAN PANJANG PLATE SETTLER TERHADAP PENURUNAN KADAR TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) PADA LIMBAH CAIR DI PT PAPYRUS SAKTI PAPER MILL TAHUN 2021. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung.

Kusumah, Nur Maulani and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Neneng, Yetti Hanurawati and Nany, Djuhriah (2021) VARIASI WAKTU TINGGAL BIOFILTER SECARA AEROB DALAM PENURUNAN KADAR BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) LIMBAH CAIR INDUSTRI PT. PAPYRUS SAKTI PAPER MILL. Undergraduate thesis, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung.

Faiz, Bunga Nur and Yulianto, Bambang and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Mulyati, Sri Slamet (2021) Gambaran Penanganan Limbah Medis Padat Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Puskesmas Pasundan Kota Bandung Tahun 2021. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung.

Aisyah, Farida Nur and Wahyudin, Dindin and Prijanto, Teguh Budi (2021) Variasi Penambahan Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL) Tape Singkong Terhadap C/N Rasio Kompos dengan Metode Aerob dalam Pembuatan Kompos Organik di PT. Sanbe Farma Unit III. Undergraduate thesis, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung.

Aristawati, Farah Ayu and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Irmawartini, Irmawartini and FIKRI, ELANDA and Hanurawaty, Neneng Yety (2021) Variasi Waktu Paparan Ekstrak Daun Sirih Hijau (Piper betle Linn.) Pada Green Light Diffuser Trap Terhadap Kematian Lalat di Dapur PT. Garuda Mas Semesta Tahun 2021. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung.

Al Manar, Alif and Agus, Somad Saputra and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Kahar, Kahar and Ujang, Nurjaman (2020) VARIASI BERAT CACING Lumbricus rubellus TERHADAP LAMA WAKTU PENGOMPOSAN. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Kemenkes Bandung.

Yusup, Tasya Salsabillah and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Wahyudin, Dindin and Nurjaman, Ujang (2020) Penanganan Limbah Medis Padat di Puskesmas (Study Literatur). Diploma thesis, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemnekes Bandung.


Fikri, Elanda and Kurniati, Iis and Wartiniyati, Wartiniyati and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Pujiono, Pujiono and Syarief, Osman and Sharaf Eldin Khair, Amar (2021) Peer Review : The Phenomenon of Medical Waste Recycling in Indonesia: Check Similarity : Contact Time and Chlorine Dose as a Disinfectant with The Bio-Indicator Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Lublin University of Technology.

Fikri, Elanda and Nur Shabrina Putri, Arifah and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Syarief, Osman (2020) Peer Review : Study of Liquid Waste Quality and Potential Pollution Load of Motor Vehicle Wash Business in Bekasi City (Indonesia). Lublin University of Technology.

Slamet Mulyati, Sri and Pujiono, Pujiono and Prijanto, Teguh Budi and Fikri, Elanda (2017) Korespondensi Karya Ilmiah : Analisis Kualitas Batu-bata Bersumber Bahan Tambahan Sampah Serbuk Gergaji dalam Berbagai Variasi Berat. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia.

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