Silvia Ningsih, SN and Dedes Fitria, DF and Risna Dewi Yanti, RDY and Novita Dewi Pramanik, NDP (2021) ASUHAN KEBIDANAN INTRANATAL PADA NY.L USIA 34 TAHUN DENGAN RETENSIO PLASENTA DI PMB W KOTA BOGOR. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung.

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POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN KEMENKES BANDUNG PROGRAM STUDI KEBIDANAN BOGOR LAPORAN TUGAS AKHIR, JULI 2021 Silvia Ningsih NIM : P17324218032 Asuhan Kebidanan Intranatal pada Ny. L usia 34 tahun dengan Retensio Plasenta di PMB W Kota Bogor 6 bab, 73 halaman, 8 lampiran, 1 gambar ABSTRAK Retensio plasenta adalah tertahannya atau belum lahirnya plasenta melebihi waktu 30 menit setelah bayi lahir. Di Praktik Mandiri Bidan (PMB) Bidan W pada bulan Januari sampai bulan Desember 2020 terdapat 8,2% kasus Retensio Plasenta dari 85 kelahiran hidup. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan Laporan Tugas Akhir ini menggunakan metode laporan kasus dalam bentuk pendokumentasian secara sistematis mulai dari data Subjektif, Objektif, Analisa dan Penatalaksanaan (SOAP). Hasil Pengkajian data subjektif, Ny. L 34 tahun melahirkan anak ketiganya dengan normal, plasenta belum lahir selama 30 menit setelah bayi lahir, ibu tidak merasa mulas yang kuat. Pada pemeriksaan fisik keadaan umum baik, tekanan darah 110/79 mmHg, nadi 85x/menit, respirasi 28x/menit dan suhu 36,7°C. TFU sepusat, uterus teraba lembek, kandung kemih kosong, kontraksi lemah. Terdapat pengeluaran darah ± 100 cc tali pusat menjulur didepan vulva tetapi tidak memanjang. Analisa yang didapat yaitu Ny. L usia 34 tahun inpartu Kala III dengan retensio plasenta. Penatalaksanaan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memasang infus RL 500ml 10 iu Oksi, melakukan manual plasenta dengan prosedur Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) di tingkat pelayanan primer dengan mengutamakan keamanan, kenyamanan dan keselamatan ibu. Serta pemberian oksitosin, antibiotic terapi oral. Evaluasi yang dicapai yaitu plasenta telah berhasil dilahirkan seluruhnya tanpa adanya sisa, kontraksi uterus baik, ibu tidak mengalami komplikasi dan ibu dapat melalui masa nifas dengan sehat. Saran yang diberikan Ny. L adalah tetap menjaga pola nutrisi dan aktivitasnya serta melakukan kunjungan ulang sesuai jadwal agar proses pemulihannya berjalan baik Kesimpulan hasil asuhan yang di dapat tidak ada komplikasi masalah selama tindalan manual plasenta, dan plasenta lahir lengkap serta ibu dalam keadaan sehat. Kepustakaan : 24 (2007-2021) Kata Kunci : Asuhan Kebidanan, Intranatal, Retensio Plasenta BANDUNG HEALTH POLYTECHNIC MINISTRY OF HEALTH BANDUNG BOGOR MIDWIFE STUDY PROGRAM FINAL PROJECT REPORT, JULY 2021 Silvia Ningsih NIM:P17324218032 Midwifery Care of Mrs. L 34 years with retained placenta at PMB Midwife W Bogor City 6 Chapters, 73 pages, 8 attachments, 1 picture ABSTRACT Retained placenta is the retained or not delivery of the placenta more than 30 minutes after the baby is born. At Midwife Independent Practic (PMB) Midwife W, form January to December 2020, there were 8,2% cases of retained placenta out of 85 live births. The method used in this Final report was case report with SOAP documentation. On subjective data assessment, Mrs. L 34 years old gave birth to her third child well,the placenta has not been born for 30 minutes after the baby is born, the mother does not feel heartburn. On physical examination, her general condition was good, blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg, pulse was 85x/minute, respiration was 24x/minute and temperature was 36.1°C. Fundus Height Center of uterus, uterus feels supple, bladder was empty. There was a blood contest on ± 50 cc. The analysis obtained is that Mrs. L 34 years old with third Stage delivery with retained placenta.The management that had been taken was by manual placenta with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) at the primary care level by prioritizing the safety, comfort and safety of the mother. As well as administering oxytocin, antibiotic oral therapy. The result showed that the whole placenta had been successfully delivered entirely without any residue, uterine contraction was good, the mother had no complications and able to pass the puerperium in good health. The advice given to Mrs. L was to maintain good pattern of nutrition and activities also to do puerperium examination based so that the recovery process goes well. The conclusion of the care were that there were no complications of problems during manual placenta action, and the placenta was born complete and the mother was in good health. Literature : 24 (2007-2021) Keywords: Midwifery care, Intranatal , Retained Placenta

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: 600 Teknologi dan Ilmu-ilmu Terapan > 610 - 619 Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Pengobatan > 618 Ginekologi dan Obstetri
R Medicine > RG Gynecology and obstetrics
Divisions: Jurusan Kebidanan Bogor > D III
Depositing User: Ms Silvia Ningsih
Date Deposited: 30 Sep 2021 03:43
Last Modified: 30 Sep 2021 03:57

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