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Farhati, Farhati (2019) POSTER : The Relationship of Body Mass Index with Hemoglobin Levels in Adolescent Girls in Bina Siswa Dormitory SMAN 1 Cisarua, West Bandung Regency. In: THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERPROFESSIONAL HEALTH COLLABORATION AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT, 5-9 DESEMBER 2019, BANDUNG.
Farhati, Farhati (2019) Peer Review : Proceeding of Body Mass With Hemoglobin Levels in Adolescent Girls in High School Student Dormitory 1 Cisarua, West Bandung Regency. 2nd international conference interprofessional health collaboration and community and empowerment.
Farhati, Farhati and Resmana, Rika and Nurhadianti, Dian (2019) Peer Review : Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Pendekatan Model Information Motivation Behavior Skill (IMB) terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Pola Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah pada Ibu Hamil. Jurnal Kesehatan, 10 (3). ISSN 20867751
Farhati, Farhati and Resmana, Rika and Nurhadianti, Dian (2019) PendidikanKesehatandengan Pendekatan Model InformationMotivation Behavior Skill (IMB)terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Pola Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah pada Ibu Hamil. http://ejurnal.poltekkes-tjk.ac.id/index.php/JK, 10 (3).
Farhati, Farhati and Resmana, Riska and Nurhadianti, Dian (2019) Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Pendekatan Model Information Motivation Behavior Skill (IMB) terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Pola Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah pada Ibu Hamil = Health Education by Modeling the Information Motivation Behavioral Skill (IMB) on Increasing Knowledge and Consumption Patterns of Vegetables and Fruits in Pregnant Women. Jurnal Kesehatan, 10 (3). pp. 320-328. ISSN 2548-5695
Hadianti, Dian Nur and Sriwenda, Djudju (2019) Peer Review : The Effectiveness of Postpartum Exercise and Oxytocin Massage on Uterus Involution. Open Journal of Nursing, 9 (9). pp. 231-238. ISSN 2162-5344
Indrayani, Diyan and Legiati, Titi and Hidayanti, Desi (2019) Kelas Ibu Balita Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Ibu dalam Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang. JKP JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMA, 13 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 2460-8661
Indrayani, Diyan and Legiati, Titi and Hidayanti, Desi (2019) Kelas Ibu Balita Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Ibu dalam Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang (peer review). Jurnal Kesehatan Prima, 13 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 2460-8661
Diyan Indrayani, dkk. (2019) Puberty book : Dunia Remajaku Sehat dan Indah (Daku Sehati). belum dimasukan.
Legiati, Titi and Hidayanti, Desi and Indrayani, Diyan (2019) Peer Review : Pengaruh Peer Education terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Efikasi Diri Remaja Putri tentang Pubertas. JURNAL BIMTAS, 3 (1). pp. 13-23. ISSN 2622-075X
Legiati, Titi and Hidayanti, Desi and Indrayani, Diyan (2019) Pengaruh Peer Education terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Efikasi Diri Remaja Putri tentang Pubertas. JURNAL BIMTAS, 3 (1). pp. 13-23. ISSN 2622-075X
Legiati, Titi and Hidayanti, Desi and Indrayani, Diyan (2019) Plagiarism Checker : PENGARUH PEER EDUCATION TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP DAN EFIKASI DIRI REMAJA PUTRI TENTANG PUBERTAS. JURNAL BIMTAS, 3 (1). pp. 13-23. ISSN 2622-075X
Mulyati, Sri and Kurniaty, Ulfah and Purwaningsih, Dewi (2019) ASSOCIATION OF BENEFITS PERCEIVED FACTOR AND PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN EARLY DETECTION OF CERVICAL CANCER. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Interprofessional Health Collaboration and Community Empowerment, 2 (1). pp. 50-52.
Mulyati, Sri and Ulfah, Kurniaty and Purwaningsih, Dewi (2019) CEK SIMILARITY :ASSOCIATION OF BENEFITS PERCEIVED FACTOR AND PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN EARLY DETECTION OF CERVICAL CANCER. https://conference.juriskes.com/index.php/IC/article/view/136, 2 (1). pp. 50-52.
Seni, Rahayu and Henni, Djuhaeni and Gaga, Irawan Nugraha and Gurid, Mulyo (2019) HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP, PERILAKU DAN KARAKTERISTIK IBU TENTANG ASI EKSLUSIF TERHADAP STATUS GIZI BAYI (The Relationship of knowledge, attitudes, behavior and characteristics of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding on the nutritional status). HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP, PERILAKU DAN KARAKTERISTIK IBU TENTANG ASI EKSLUSIF TERHADAP STATUS GIZI BAYI (The Relationship of knowledge, attitudes, behavior and characteristics of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding on the nutritional status), 4 (1). pp. 28-35. ISSN P-ISSN : 2527-3310 (Unpublished)
Ulfah, Kurniaty and Mulyati, Sri and Purwaningsih, Dewi (2019) Peer Review: Association of perceived barriers factor and participation of women in early detection of cervical cancer. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on InterprofessionalHealth Collaboration and CommunityEmpowerment, 1 (1). pp. 33-37. ISSN 978-623-91302-0-6
Ulfah, Kurniaty and Mulyati, Sri and Purwaningsih, Dewi (2019) Similarity Index: Association of perceived barriers factor and participation of women in early detection of cervical cancer. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on InterprofessionalHealth Collaboration and CommunityEmpowerment, 1 (1). pp. 33-37. ISSN 978-623-91302-0-6
Widiawati, Ida and Mulyati, Sri and Ulfah, Kurniaty (2019) CEK SIMILARITY : Knowledge and Selection of The Intrauterine Device Among Women in Sumedang District. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Interprofessional Health Collaboration and Community Empowerment, 2 (1). pp. 32-36.
Widiawati, Ida and Mulyati, Sri and Ulfah, Kurniaty (2019) Knowledge and Selection of The Intrauterine Device Among Women in Sumedang District. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Interprofessional Health Collaboration and Community Empowerment, 2 (1). pp. 32-36.
Widiawati, Ida and Mulyati, Sri and Ulfah, Kurniaty (2019) PEER REVIEW :Knowledge and Selection of The Intrauterine Device Among Women in Sumedang District. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Interprofessional Health Collaboration and Community Empowerment, 2 (1). pp. 32-36.
Yulinda, Yulinda and Dewi Purwaningsih, Dewi Purwaningsih and Sri Mulyati, Sri Mulyati (2019) Tracer study of Midwifery Departement Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung. Tracer study of midwivery departement poltekkes kemenkes bandung, 1 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 978 623 9025434
Yulinda,, Yulinda, and Dewi, Purwaningsih and Sri, Mulyati (2019) Tracer study of midwivery departement poltekkes kemenkes bandung. The 3rd Jogja Rendezvous for Innovation and Transformation in Medical Education (JIT) 2019. pp. 66-78. ISSN ISBN: 9786239025434