Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp)Anthropometric Wall Chart (Awc) Tb/U forDetecting Stunting on Children Aged 6-12Years

Aryani, Sudja and Berlin, Sitanggang and Indhira, Saghti and Asep, Asep Iwan Purnawan (2019) Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp)Anthropometric Wall Chart (Awc) Tb/U forDetecting Stunting on Children Aged 6-12Years. ICHPThe First International Conference on Health Profession. pp. 210-222.

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Anthropometric Wall Chart (AWC) TB/U is a tool developed to screen nutritional statusthat is easy and fast to use for children aged 6-12 years in the population. The accuracyof the tool in measuring stunting can be seen from its validity. This study aims toget the validity of AWC in 3 (three) cities representing the West (Medan), Central(Bandung) and East (Kupang), Indonesia so that the results could be used for stuntingscreening of elementary school children wider coverage. The study was conductedin a cross-sectional manner with a sample of 270 elementary students from grade 1to grade 6 in 3 cities (Medan, Kupang, and Bandung) whose nutritional status wasmeasured by using AWC TB / U and TB / U index using microtoise. The results ofthe study of the use of AWC in Medan showed that there were 20 (22.2%) stuntingchildren, with Se value of 68.8% and Sp value of 87.8%, PPV 55%, and NPV 92.9%. InKupang, there were 21 (23.3%) children who were stunting with a value of Se 60.0%and Sp 98.2%, and in Bandung, there were 12 (13.3%) stunted children with Se value of72.7% and Sp 94.9%. Combined in 3 (three) cities get Se value 66.0% and Sp 93.3%,PPV 73.6% and NPV 90.3%. AWC TB / U can be used as a stunting screening toolfor diagnosis with the aim of a high Sp value. For students who are detected stunted,further treatment is needed to overcome their nutritional problem

Item Type: Article
Subjects: 600 Teknologi dan Ilmu-ilmu Terapan > 610 - 619 Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Pengobatan > 614 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Divisions: Jurusan Gizi > D IV
Depositing User: Mrs Renny Yanuarti
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2020 03:26
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2020 03:26

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